Good morning! It's the one day out of the year that Garfield doesn't hit snooze. Let the festivities begin!

The inevitable last minute grocery store run.

Time to start cooking!

When you don't actually want to help but you feel obligated to try.

Squeeze in one last, pre-dinner nap.

When the guests finally arrive and you can start eating.

Minutes after you talked about pacing yourself even though you knew all along that wasn't going to happen.

Can't stop, won't stop.

After your third helpings when you finally have to throw in the towel.

When it's finally time for the standard family argument.

Then it's over and you remember to love and be thankful for everything in your life.

There's always room for dessert.

Time to watch some after-dinner Thanksgiving specials, like the Cartoon Feast on Boomerang.

But now you're so full you can't even move.

And finally you make it into bed, ready to sleep until next November.