Gemini is the third astrological sign in the zodiac. The sun transits this sign between May 21 and June 20.

Gemini's zodiac sign is represented by a pair of twins.

Those who fall underneath this sign are generally most happy when they are with others.

Geminis are an air sign. Air signs have an easily changeable personality depending on their environment.

Being full of new ideas, and quick with words, they are often natural journalists, creatives, or entrepreneurs.

They are able to express themselves easily and they often make for great mediators when there are misunderstandings.

Geminis aren’t content in watching the world pass by them as a passive observer - they must live within it!

Because of their desire for new experiences, Geminis often need variety and lots of mental stimulation.

Geminis are fantastic at parties and will always find something to talk about with anyone that they meet.

Geminis' adaptable nature can also make them seem artificial.

But their varied interests means they often are full of knowledge on a lot of topics and are very interesting people.

Life of the party, social butterflies, and creative minds, enjoy your season!

Here's to you, Geminis! ♊️