Intent on wrecking Michael's plans, Trevor shows up on Earth to join Chidi's study and annoy the gang into breaking up.

A wild Adam Scott appeared in the form of a demon disguised as Trevor, intent on breaking up the group by being THE WORST.

Michael was not pleased. Nobody messes with his humans.

Trevor took the study group to the most 'Murica restaurant ever.

And made them "Brainy Bunch" team sweatshirts. Eleanor was not diggin' it.

Janet stepped in to keep watch over the group.

As per usual, Chidi ended up freaking out about something (great job, Trevor!)

And Eleanor went back to her old ways.

The Judge was not happy with Michael for going back to Earth more than the one time she allowed.

But she was more annoyed with this dude.

In the end, the doorman saved the day and let Michael and Janet head back to their humans on Earth.