Giant Water Lilies may look peaceful, floating on the surface of a pond, but they're actually rather vicious, shoving, squeezing, strangling, and skewering their way to the top!

The Giant Water Lily starts its life under the water's surface, in the wetlands of tropical South America.

It could be mistaken for something from "Little Shop of Horrors," with its inch-long "teeth."

This ferocious feature is all part of a strategy: the wetlands are teeming with life and every plant must fight to survive.

When it rises to the surface, it wields a bud like a mace, warding off any plants which might hinder its growth.

Once the leaves surface, the water lily will grow at a rate of over eight inches a day!

To make space for itself the water lily must be aggressive, using its thick skin and long spikes to push away competitors.

When it's fully grown, one of these leaves will measure over SIX FEET ACROSS! (They don't call them "giant" for nothing.)

A single plant can grow 40 of these mega-leaves, and as they grow together, they will crush any plant that is in their way.

As the lily takes over, any growing plants are plunged into darkness, making any growth impossible - a total victory.