With the summer recess behind them, U.S. Senators are moving forward to pass several bills to avert a government shutdown.

Congress is currently facing a Sept. 30 deadline to fund the government; the Senate is set to start work next week. (AP)

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told reporters Wed. that the chamber would begin work on a "minibus" bill next week.

What is a "minibus" bill? Per Schumer, the minibus is a smaller, piecemeal package of three spending bills. (Politico)

What departments are being funded in the minibus? 💰Transportation 💰Housing 💰Agriculture 💰FDA 💰Veterans Affairs

Senate negotiators settled on a minibus after House Republicans failed to fund the government over the summer. (AP)

House Republicans disagreed over several spending cuts they wanted to make in the bill, including aid to Ukraine.

With the House stalled, Sens. Patty Murray and Susan Collins on Wed. introduced a minibus to fund critical departments.

Murray and Collins: "This is a critical next step as we continue working...to keep our government funded..."

That's not all: leaders are also working to pass a resolution to extend spending negotiations beyond Sept. 30. (AP)

Could the minibus pass? It's likely: all three of the bills in the package passed their subcommittees by bipartisan votes.

What else is on the agenda? Schumer also announced Wed. he would convene the chamber's first forum on AI on Sept. 13.

Schumer: "Both parties recognize that AI is something we can’t ignore, but we need a lot of help understanding..."