Take a break from all of those last-minute projects for the year and making sure those campaigns deliver in full, and let’s look back at the past year in ad tech, as told in GIFs.

With GDPR, we went from users seeing never-ending ad retargeting, much like Ace Ventura’s demo of sound-proof glass...

...to being legitimately excited when a user gives proper consent under GDPR guidelines.

For nearly 10 years, many selling ad tech kept their “secret sauce” close to the vest.

If you had asked any media buyer, they would have told you Rocket Fuel’s famous line... And now we know why.

Fewer ad tech companies is ultimately a good thing. Now agencies can focus on real strategy and business outcomes.

Every walled garden loves to claim credit for every conversion it touches. But it’s just not reality.

Most client pitches are driven by a desire to get media and service layers at lower cost, leading to unrealistic requests.

Being a marketer today requires not only technical sophistication but also a strong understanding of auction dynamics.

Google Analytics is a great site visit measurement tool, but that’s it. It was never meant to be a media measurement tool.

Since consumers search for brands and products year-round, it is important for marketers to adopt an always-on strategy.

In 2008, we talked about digital in traditional terms, because it was familiar. Surely, we should be past this in 2018?