"Why would you punish them for something they've got nothing to do with?"

Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville is facing growing pushback from his own party over his blockade of military promotions.

What's happening? Tuberville has blocked hundreds of military nominations this year over a Pentagon abortion policy. (ABC)

What is the policy? The Pentagon in 2022 announced that it would reimburse service members for travel for abortion care.

Tuberville first launched his blockade in Dec. 2022; he has since blocked over 370 military nominations. (Politico)

Military confirmations are a decades-long bipartisan tradition in the Senate, typically passed en mass by voice vote. (AP)

Under Senate rules, voice votes can be held up by a single senator and be relegated to a lengthier roll call vote. (AP)

Several Republicans took to the floor this week to criticize Tuberville for his blockade, including Sen. Lindsey Graham:

Graham: "I have been trying to work with you for nine months."

Graham: "If this gets to be normal, God help the military, because every one of us could find...reason to object..."

Senate Republicans on Wed. attempted to confirm 61 nominees; Tuberville objected to all 61. (ABC News)

The Senate did manage to confirm three nominees on Thu.; all three were confirmed over three days and six votes. (AP)

Is there a way forward? According to the NYT, Sen. Schumer is looking to confirm all of the nominees as a bloc next week.