His place was so big, it required an entire episode

Can’t talk about epic eps of "Cribs" w/o talking about 50 Cent. His 21-bedroom mansion was so massive and so memorable ...

When he took his time answering the door … in his bathrobe

When he tried to act sneaky letting us into his own house


Yeah, it really is.

Remember the Vitamin Water fridge?!

Or when he admitted he has never used the kitchen? (It was one of SIX kitchens on the property, to be fair.)

What teenager didn’t dream of having not one, but TWO massive TVs in their bedroom?

His movie theater was mind-blowing

Raise your hand if you remember this being the moment you decided you needed a four-wheeler when you grew up.

He really had all the best toys.

“I got a Kanye West CD in it.” (And the best cracks, tbh.)

That was really fun, byyyeee!!