Turns out the guy from that punk band had a totally gorgeous place ...

Who’s ready for a flashback to one of the most low-key beautiful cribs ever featured on MTV?!

Y’all, most of the house is indoor/outdoor. Natural light, much?!

Mark is at least realistic about his nice furniture not staying nice forever. (He and his wife have one son, now, btw.)

He also makes a decent case for having coffee table nudes.

Remember this bar WITH A TV IN IT?? (Big deal back then.)

Cribs Bingo: Bottle of Cristal! (A bonus, since Mark doesn’t drink …)

Reminder to self to maybe not crash on this couch, where Mark likes to “get loose.”

He really likes talking about naked ladies hanging out at his house.

This was one of like THREE jacuzzis around the house. So casual.

And this is apparently the one where people get loose. There seems to be a lot of that happening at the Hoppus House.

Mark called his bed the “work bench,” the most on-brand Blink 182 thing ever said.

Another Cribs Bingo: Pop-up TV!

“Do you want to sit naked with other guys in a sauna?” "Yessir yessir!"

That’s A LOT of old fashioned hotel keys, bro.

This nearly 20-year-old house tour truly still holds up! 10/10 would live in this crib.