It’s been more than 10 years since Kim gave MTV the royal tour of her family’s digs on "Cribs." Let's revisit ...

Kim starts the tour in the kitchen, where she says there are generally lots of friends and family hanging out.

Like these random guys.

She explains that she loves to bake, “as you can see” from this smorgasbord of definitely homemade snacks.

Homemade. Yep.

Khloe knows.

Kim even snuck us into her stepdad Caitlyn Jenner’s office with all of her memorabilia from the 1976 Olympics. PURE GOLD.

Then there was Kourtney and Khloe doing this in the living room.

Did you notice the chandelier in the living room with a crown on top? V.appropriate for Kim.

“Everyone needs a shrine of themselves” in their bedroom.

To be fair, who DIDN’T have a stripper pole in their bedroom in 2007?

I'm dizzy.

Most importantly, we got a peek at Kim’s closet.

(Some serious nostalgia when you consider what she’s working with today.)

Whoa, what happened to Kim’s line of tire rims?!?!

And finally, she showed us Kendall and Kylie’s two-story playhouse that is probably bigger than your adult apartment.

Answer the door, Kylie!!

Thanks for tagging along on our trip down Kardashian Memory Lane!