Heading back to campus? Celebrate Energy Efficiency Day this October 6 by taking these simple steps to save energy and fight climate change right from your dorm room.

A dorm room can generate as much climate pollution annually as driving 156,000 miles in a car. Let's reduce that footprint!

Holiday lights or “fairy Lights” are cute way to add some mood lighting, but make sure to buy energy-efficient LEDs.

Add a timer to your power outlet so your devices automatically turn off when you're out to class or when you're sleeping.

Swap out all the overhead lights to LEDs. They use up to 90% less energy than old-fashioned incandescents and last longer.

Always turn the lights off when you leave. Mount a reminder near the door so your roommates don’t forget, either!

Sunlight pouring in through the windows can increase the room temperature, requiring more air conditioning or fans.

Add blackout curtains or blinds that will help block sunlight and cool your room. (Just don't miss that 8 a.m. class!)

Opt for a less energy-intensive fan over AC when temperatures are moderate!

Avoid "zombie electronics" that draw power from outlets even when they're off by plugging everything into one power strip.

Computers can typically be put into an energy-saving standby mode when you’re taking a break.

Shopping for new appliances, like computers or mini-fridges? Find ones that are Energy Star certified.

Same goes for air conditioners!

Headed to your dorm's laundry room? Only run a full load and wash clothes in cold water.

Consider air-drying your clothes instead of using an electric dryer, which are particularly energy-intensive.

Don’t pile your dining hall tray with more food than you can possibly eat—and keep leftovers as late-night study snacks!

Finally, spread the word about what you've learned! Talk to your RA about making these changes across the building.

Join (or even start!) an energy-efficiency council on campus to help fight climate change school-wide.

And spread the word about Energy Efficiency Day. Here's a great place to start! www.energyefficiencyday.org/take-action/