It's been, as they say, a long year—one that not only saw the end of the 2020 election, but also nine televised debates.

Here's a recap of the top moments from this year's Democratic primary and presidential debates.

2020 kicked off with this icy exchange between Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders after the 7th primary debate.

Warren and Sanders were feuding over their accounts of a 2018 exchange in which they discussed a woman's electability.

Warren said in a statement to CNN: "I thought a woman could win; he disagreed." Sanders denied the account:

CNN released audio of the tense exchange after the debate. Here's what they said on the hot mic:

Tom Steyer was also there, but he apparently wasn't listening. Yeah, good, OK.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg also entered the new year exchanging barbs on the debate stage.

Tensions between the two Midwesterners heated up during the 9th primary debate, the last debate before the Nevada caucuses.

Klobuchar touted her experience in the Senate and her record winning statewide elections in Minnesota. Buttigieg responded:

Klobuchar: "I am the one that has, No. 1, has the experience based on passing over 100 bills..."

The 9th primary debate was an all-around contentious one: Warren opened the night with this attack on Michael Bloomberg.

Steyer entered the 10th primary debate attacking Joe Biden ahead of the South Carolina primary. Biden had quips ready:

The 11th primary debate took place at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sanders and Biden kept six feet apart.

If you can remember, the first presidential debate was pure chaos. This moment from Biden captured the general vibe.

The vice presidential debate this year took on renewed importance after Pres. Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis.

The VP debate's top moment: the fly that landed on VP Mike Pence's head.

Kamala Harris made history as the first woman of color to participate in a presidential debate. This moment went viral.

Pres. Trump's documented ongoing feud with windmills made an appearance at the last presidential debate.

Also, many noticed this post-debate moment between the Trumps.