The rise of a new COVID-19 variant is highlighting the need for vaccine equity in ending the pandemic across the world.

According to the WHO, over 87% of the world's vaccine doses have gone to "high-income or upper-middle-income countries."

Meanwhile, "low-income countries" have received only 0.2% of the world's vaccine supply. (WHO)

World leaders have blamed "vaccine nationalism" for the disparities in vaccinations between rich and poorer nations.

Per the WHO, "vaccine nationalism" occurs when nations strike deals to hoard vaccines for their own populations.

WHO Dir.-Gen. Ghebreyesus blamed vaccine hoarding for hindering the agency's global equity initiative, COVAX.

Ghebreysys: "Most countries do not have...enough vaccines to cover all health workers...This is a time for partnership."

Experts have called on rich nations to step up vaccine donations to COVAX and low-income nations across the world.

So far, COVAX has distributed 49M+ doses to 121 countries. Per the BBC, it needs $45M+ to continue its work.

In Feb., the White House pledged a $2B+ to COVAX to support vaccinations for "92 low and middle-income economies."

The White House in April announced the US was donating 60M+ doses of AstraZeneca across the world. (NBC News)

COVAX aims to have 2B+ doses for vulnerable countries by the end of 2021. As of May, it has purchased 1.1B+ doses. (WTVA)

Here are some GIFs you can use to support COVAX and global vaccine equity.