Live footage of you at 5:00pm on Friday.

And you’re in full-on weekend mode.

Then that first drink hits your soul.

Or your cats are your Friday feels.

And you finally get to sleep in on Saturday.

And then you have all day to do whatever you want, the world is yours.

~Watches TV all day~

When 8:00 PM on Saturday rolls around and you realize you should probably start getting ready.

Cue the pre-night-out feeling of having the Best. Night. Ever.

Or not actually wanting to go out but you promised your friends you would…

Waking up on Sunday like… “someone make me breakfast?”

“Fine I’ll make it myself”

And then you make grand plans to do the laundry and clean the house…

~Sleeps all day instead~

Wakes up at 9PM like “wow, I wasted my day”

And then the Sunday scaries hit.

So you end the day with some self-love to start the week off right .