Democrats on Capitol Hill are speaking out against the Biden administration's deportation of Haitians at the Texas border.

15K+ Haitian migrants from South America arrived in Del Rio, Texas this week, forming a camp near the border. (NYT)

Per the Washington Post, most of the Haitians at the border are migrants who fled Haiti after the 2010 earthquake.

Why now? Per the WaPo, a combination of "deteriorating economic, social...and security situations" in South America.

Per CNN, they were also spurred by misinformation on the DHS's May order to issue 18-month protective status for Haitians.

1.5K+ Haitians have been deported, as of Wed.. The US is expected to deport as many as 1K+ Haitians per day. (NYT)

A Haitian official told the NYT Sun. that they expect 14K+ expelled Haitians to arrive in the coming weeks.

Congressional Democrats have condemned the deportations, noting that many haven't seen Haiti since 2010.

The Congressional Black Caucus held a press conference on Wed. to call on the Biden administration to halt deporattions.

DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas told members of Congress Tue. that he planned to empty the camp in 10 days.

Rep. Ayanna Pressley, a co-chair of the House Haiti Caucus, called the treatment of Haitian migrants "flat-out racist."

Pressley: "...if we truly believe that Black lives matter, we must reverse course."

The White House is also facing fire for using a Trump-era pandemic policy, Title 42, to clear out the camp.

Title 42 is a health code that allows the DHS to deny migrants the right to asylum during the COVID-19 pandemic. (NYT)