Ukrainian Pres. Zelensky on Wed. called on the UN to create a tribunal to hold Putin accountable for war crimes in Ukraine.

Zelensky called for the special tribunal in his first address to the UN General Assembly since Russia's invasion this year.

Per the NYT, as of Aug., 5.5K+ Ukrainians have been killed in the war. 6.6M+ have fled the country.

Russia's efforts to invade Ukraine are ramping up: Putin on Wed. called on 300K+ reservists for military duty. (WaPo)

During a national address Wed., Putin also threatened to use nuclear weapons to win the war. (WaPo)

Putin, on Wed.: "We of course will use all the means at our disposal. This is not a bluff."

Zelensky called on the UN to deliver "just punishment" to Putin for the "catastrophic turbulence that Russia provoked."

Zelensky: "Russian radiation blackmailing is something that should concern each and every one of you."

Zelensky: "None of you will find a vaccine against radiation sickness."

Zelensky: "We must finally recognize Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. At all levels."

Zelensky: "Global security cannot be restored without restoring the territorial integrity of [Ukraine.]"

Zelensky: "Every nation has the right to security guarantees. Not only the largest nations."

Zelensky: "Peace will prevail over any aggression."