If confirmed, Su would be the first Asian American to serve in Biden's Cabinet at the secretary level.

Pres. Joe Biden on Wed. announced the nomination of Deputy Labor Sec. Julie Su to be the U.S.'s next secretary of labor.

Biden's nomination Wed. comes on the heels of outgoing Labor Sec. Marty Walsh's resignation announcement in Feb.. (WaPo)

If confirmed, Su would be the first Asian American official to serve in Biden's Cabinet at the secretary level. (WaPo)

Who is Su? Su first rose to prominence in 1995 after she secured $4M+ in stolen wages for Thai workers in LA. (NPR)

In 2019, Gov. Gavin Newsom appointed Su to be the secretary of California's Labor and Workforce Development Agency.

In 2021, Biden nominated Su to serve under Walsh as the U.S.'s deputy labor secretary. (WaPo)

The Senate later confirmed Su's appointment as deputy labor secretary by a 50–47 vote. (WaPo)

Biden on Su: "Julie has spent her life fighting to make sure that everyone has a fair shot."

Biden: "Julie is the American Dream."