New York Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul will become New York's first woman governor after Gov. Andrew Cuomo's resignation Tue..

Cuomo resigned Tue. after a state attorney general investigation found that he sexually harassed 12+ women. (NYT)

Hochul will serve the remainder of Cuomo's term, which ends December 2022.

Hochul tweeted Tue.: "I am prepared to lead as New York State's 57th governor."

Who is Hochul? Hochul is a former U.S. House representative who flipped a GOP-held seat in 2011. (Reuters)

Before her time in the U.S. House, Hochul served on the Hamburg town council for 14 years.

In 2014, Cuomo tapped Hochul to be his lieutenant governor; they later won re-election in 2018. (Reuters)

As lieutenant governor, Hochul chaired 10+ economic development councils across the state. (Reuters)

Hochul last week denounced Cuomo's behavior as "repulsive": "I believe these brave women & admire their courage."

Hochul on Cuomo: "No one is above that law."

Hochul will make history as the state's first woman governor. Her term is set to begin Aug. 24. (ABC News)