It's finally primary election day in Pennsylvania! Here's a look at the state of the Senate primary race.

According to RealClearPolitics' poll average, as of May, Lt. Gov. John Fetterman is leading the Democratic Senate primary.

Fetterman is leading the field by an average 31 points, as of May 1. He's likely to win the nomination Tue.. (RCP)

Fetterman on Sun. announced that he was resting after a stroke Fri.. His election night rally has been cancelled. (NBC)

Meanwhile, the GOP primary is anyone's game now: Kathy Barnette saw a late-cycle surge, threatening an upset Tue..

According to RealClearPolitics' poll average, as of Mon., Trump endorsee Mehmet Oz's lead has shrunken to 2.6 points.

Former runner-up David McCormick's polls have fallen as well: as of Mon., he averages third in the race. (RCP)

GOP primary poll averages, as of Mon. (RCP) 🗳️Oz: 26.8% 🗳️Barnette: 24.2% 🗳️McCormick: 19.6%

All eyes will be on Pennsylvania this Nov.: Democrats are hoping to flip retiring GOP Sen. Pat Toomey's seat blue in 2022.

The state will also be key to Senate Democrats' bid to keep and grow their Senate majority.

Do Democrats have a chance of flipping the seat? Yes: the Cook Political Report rated the race a "toss up" in March.