Snack Cups

This is the story of Katy, a lactose intolerant nurse, and Gwen, a sympathetic sweet tooth who couldn’t stand the thought of people going through life without ice cream. The pair both grew up loving ice cream but, by the time they met at Villanova University, Katy had become lactose intolerant. She tried all the alternatives – soy, almond, coconut and more – but they just didn’t cut it. So she churned up something better – REAL ice cream, without the lactose. Finally, Gwen and Katy could share the same pint and no one had to compromise. They decided that no one should have to miss out on ice cream because of lactose intolerance, so they teamed up to bring the joy of real ice cream to all with Beckon.


Snack Cups

Ice Cream Sticker by BeckonSticker by Beckon Ice CreamSticker by Beckon Ice Cream
Icecream Lactosefree Sticker by Beckon Ice CreamSticker by Beckon Ice CreamSticker by Beckon Ice Cream
Icecream Lactoseintolerant Sticker by Beckon Ice CreamIcecream Lactosefree Sticker by Beckon Ice CreamSnack Time Sticker by Beckon Ice CreamSticker by Beckon Ice Cream
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