Beverley Mitchell

The official GIPHY channel of Beverley Mitchell. Best known as Lucy Camden from 7th Heaven, but you may have seen her in Saw 2 and now on Fox TV’s Special Forces: Worlds Toughest Test.


Beverley Mitchell


All the Clips

Time To Move The Elf
Time To Move The Elf
The Elves, They Bake Cookies
The Elves, They Bake Cookies
**** The Elf On The Shelf
**** The Elf On The Shelf
Aw Merry Christmas
Aw Merry Christmas
Naughty Or Nice?
Naughty Or Nice?
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Eating Chocolates
Eating Chocolates
I Disagree
I Disagree
I Left My Coffee...
I Left My Coffee...
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