Mimicking Magpie Delivers Pitch-Perfect Rooster Crow at Sunrise as Cat Watches On
Magpie Steals A Sip of Cider
Baby Possum Chases Magpie Then Man
Talk About a Birdie: Magpie Interrupts UK Golfer's Tee Off
Magpie Steals A Sip of Cider
Magpies Team Up on Snake in Rural New South Wales
Guido the Magpie Tries to Go Shopping With a Couple in Devon
Boy vs Bird: Aussie Kid Fearlessly Bikes Through Swooping Magpie Attack
Birdie on Board: Rescue Magpie Hitches Ride on Baby Stroller
Magpie Shows Staffie Who's Boss
Magpie and Cat Share an Unlikely Peck
Trapped, Mud-Covered Magpie Rescued From Hole in Melbourne
Man Gets Attacked by Magpie While on Skype Call
Swooping Magpie's Attacks Can't Deter Determined Postman
Fight or Flight? Magpie Swoops Down on Monitor Lizard at Queensland Golf Course
Beehive's 'Busy Air Traffic' Captured in Mesmerizing Close-Up Footage
Melbourne Magpie Makes Its Pick on Whether Djokovic Should Play Australian Open
Taking a Break from 'Stirring the Dog Up,' Pet Magpie Enjoys a Belly Rub
Helmet-Cam Captures Magpie Attacking Aussie Biker
'Average Sunday' in Australia, as Singing Magpie Sits on Woman's Head