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Video gif. Navy blue pennant reads, "Vote," as it waves in front of a purple background with shapeshifting blue spots. White check marks morph into hearts before exploding into emphasis lines around the flag.Voting Black Lives Matter GIF by #GoVoteDigital art gif. Blue shape of North Carolina smiles and marches forward with one hand on its hip and the other holding a flag against a purple background. The flag reads, “Go vote North Carolina!”Voting Election Day GIF by INTO ACTIONRegister To Vote Election 2020 GIF by #GoVoteVoting Election 2020 GIF by NickVoting Election 2020 GIF by INTO ACTIONVoting Super Tuesday GIF by megan lockhartVoting Election 2020 GIF by Jelly LondonVoting Primetime Emmys GIF by EmmysVoting Wake Up GIF by #GoVoteVoting Election Day GIF by #GoVoteVideo gif. Young man with a shirt reading "voter" jumps out of a voting booth in an explosion of confetti on a purple to cyan gradient background, hands in the air, smiling and cheering. Text, "Vote."Voting Election 2020 GIF by INTO ACTIONVoting Super Tuesday GIF by Energy BBDOVoting Best Friends GIF by INTO ACTIONVoting Election 2020 GIF by #GoVoteIllustration Register To Vote GIF by Winnie Gu 顾韵昀Voting Election Day GIF by Creative CourageVoting Acm Awards GIF by Academy of Country Music AwardsVoting Rights GIF by INTO ACTIONVoting Election Day GIF by #GoVoteDigital art gif. Blinking and stoic, Rosie the Riveter rolls up her sleeve, showing off her flexed bicep against a yellow background. Text, “On election day, we can take time off to vote.”Register To Vote Election 2020 GIF by #GoVoteVoting Super Tuesday GIF
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