human activities9,786 GIFs


Bear Floating in Pond Is the Picture of Summer Bliss
Invest in Black Girls
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Science & Technology
People Are Literally Dying To Be Heard
Human Activities Landslides GIF by ExplainingWhy.comSouthern Ocean Sound Pollution GIF by ExplainingWhy.comhuman activities tourism GIF by THEOTHERCOLORSClimate Change Idiocracy GIF by THEOTHERCOLORSWater India GIF by The GuardianGIF by MashableClimate Change GIF by GIPHY NewsWild Animals Mountaineers GIF by ExplainingWhy.comClimate Change GIF by GIPHY NewsClimate Change Ocean Acidification GIF by ExplainingWhy.comAnother Fka Friday GIF by FKApresident obama news GIFCemetery Displacement GIF by ExplainingWhy.commoney love GIF by PEEKASSOBlack Lives Matter Protest GIF by Creative CourageSpeak Stand Up GIF by ModicumHuman Rights Quote GIF by LA vs. HateText gif. Banners unfurl across a pink, purple, and yellow graphic beating heart surrounded by tattoo roses on a yellow background, reading "Celebrate diversity, respect each other's culture."Salty Water GIF by ExplainingWhy.comhuman rights peace GIFVideo gif. Dog wearing a neckerchief leans out of a dog house to sip from a water bowl between a rainbow pride flag and a transgender flag. Illustrated grass surrounds the house while a rainbow arches over the roof, then retreats into the ground. Text, "hashtag pups for equality."Fun Friends GIF by Mont-blanc-raftingDigital art gif. Circle-shaped sticker decorated coloful hands over the earth adheres to a light blue background, featuring capitalized text that reads, “Advocacy defender.”Human Rights Blm GIF by MacArthur Foundation
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