

We are a pan-European, civil-military organisation dedicated to supporting European aviation. The organisation was created in 1960 and counts over 40 Members States from across Europe and 2 Comprehensive Agreement States (Morocco and Israel). We are committed to the European vision for a Single European Sky and we support our Member States and our stakeholders (including air navigation service providers, civil and military airspace users, airports and aircraft/equipment manufacturers) in a joint effort to make aviation in Europe safer, more efficient, more cost-effective and with a minimal environmental impact. The EUROCONTROL Network Manager has extended the role of the former Central Flow Management Unit and now proactively manages the entire ATM Network (with nearly ten million flights every year), in close liaison with the air navigation service providers, airspace users, the military and airports. The Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre provides an air traffic control service for the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and northern Germany. The Central Route Charges Office handles the billing, collection and redistribution of aviation charges. We support the European Commission, EASA and National Supervisory Authorities in their regulatory activities. We are actively involved in research, development and validation and make a substantial contribution to the SESAR Joint Undertaking. Our aim is to deliver tangible results which will improve the ATM system's performance. We have a unique platform for civil-military aviation coordination in Europe.
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