
Black Girls Rock

BLACK GIRLS ROCK! is a bold and brilliant awards special that celebrates the best and bravest Black women and girls, and brings to light the “Black girl” in all of us. BGR! is a platform to present black women as role models through a sexy cool, innovative entertaining experience. BGR! inspires, empowers and entertains. The progressive award categories are given to phenomenal women who’ve reached the pinnacle of their careers and those using their fame or position to serve others. Stunning and stylish live performances from today’s brightest stars are backed by a dynamic all-girl band. The cinematic in-show packages are gems in the dazzling night. There’s even a little love for the brothers. In addition, the star-studded night is hosted by prominent and positive celebrities. BGR! elevates the way Black women and girls are seen in mainstream, but most importantly it elevates the way Black women and girls see themselves.
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