

VFS CONNECT is Vancouver Film School’s part-time, online learning platform. Featuring short-track workshops, certificate courses, and seasonal programs, our offerings span Film, 3D & VFX, Classical Animation, Game Design, Creative Tech, and beyond. Four days in length, our short-track workshops allow you to explore your interest in the creative industries, offering introductory lessons into industry standard software including Adobe Suite, Unreal, and Unity. Seven to eight weeks in length, our certificate courses are a first step towards a full-time education at VFS. Upon completion of a certificate course, you’ll have acquired the portfolio requisites to apply to our full-time advanced programs. Finally, our seasonal programming offers a series of workshops available exclusively to high school students. These occur twice a year, in March during Spring Break and in the summer. These workshops are designed to help young creatives discover which creative medium is right for them. Whether you’re looking to learn about the creative industry, top up your skills & build a powerful portfolio, or simply try something new – CONNECT has something for you.
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