batman arkham knight GIFbatman arkham knight scarecrow GIFbatman arkham knight batmobile GIFbatman arkham knight GIFbatman arkham knight GIFbatman arkham knight GIFbatman arkham knight GIFbatman arkham knight GIFbatman arkham knight GIFbatman arkham knight video GIFIntensifies Bruce Wayne GIFVideo game gif. Cutscene from the superhero action-adventure video game: 'Batman: Arkham Shadows.' An epic and cinematic night scene showing a car-sized meteor-like sphere crashing down on the Gotham street below.  The scene cuts to a dramatic pan-out introducing Bat Man in a hero's pose, his cape blowing in the wind, flames raging in the city behind him.Arkham Knight Halo GIFThe Magicians Spoilers GIF by SYFYgame of thrones spoilers GIFSpoiler Alert GIF by HarlemYoutube Spoilers GIF by Bad Internetthe dark knight batman GIFSpoiler Alert Hulu GIF by Onyx Collectivebruce wayne batman GIFDont Tell Me Fran Healy GIF by TravisChristian Bale Batman GIFJim Parsons GIF by Focus Featureschristian bale batman GIFDc Comics Batman GIF by DC
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