mr t GIFGIF by FirstAndMondayAnimated GIFGIF by FirstAndMondayyahoo tv periscope GIFpain GIFMovie gif. Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa drips with sweat after a fight, approaches a man with a microphone and calls out "Adrian!" which appears as text.friends sleep GIFi must break you dolph lundgren GIFsylvester stallone fight GIF by Rockymr t GIFI Love You Boxing GIF by Rockyknock out swing GIF by RockyMovie gif. Dolph Lundgren as Ivan Drago in Rocky. He stares Rocky down and says deadpan, "I must break you."sylvester stallone GIFViuMENA  GIFroad coach GIFNft GIF by LosVagosNFTrocky balboa GIFAnimated GIFsylvester stallone film GIFFriends Hug GIF by LosVagosNFTrocky dolph lundgren GIFAnimated GIFMovie gif. Hulk Hogan as Thunderlips and Sylvester Stallone as Rocky in Rocky III. Thunderlips has Rocky in the corner of the ring and he gives Rocky a huge knee to the gut, making Rocky bend over in pain.
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