Digital art gif. Blue shape of Georgia smiles and marches forward with one hand on its hip and the other holding a flag against a transparent background. The flag reads, “Go vote Georgia!”Vote Early Election Day Sticker by Creative CourageVote Early Pecan Pie Sticker by Creative CourageGeorgia Vote Early Sticker by Creative CourageVote Early Sticker by Creative CourageAnd Justice For All Georgia Sticker by Creative Courage
Digital art gif. Blue mug full of coffee featuring a peach labeled “Georgia” rests over a transparent background. Steam rising from the mug reveals the message, “Vote early.”Digital art gif. Peach sign swings on a hook over a transparent background. One side says, “Help wanted.” The sign flips and reads, “Election workers needed in Georgia.”Register To Vote Voter Registration Sticker by #GoVoteVote Early Gwinnett County Sticker by Creative CourageBlack Lives Matter Vote Sticker by Creative CourageVote Early Greek Life Sticker by Creative Courage
Digital art gif. Orange shape of Georgia slides in over a transparent background. The text “Georgia Votes” appears as five stars shoot upward. An envelope stamped “By Mail” slides into frame.Voting Election Day Sticker by Creative CourageVote Early Georgia Peach Sticker by Creative CourageDigital art gif. Collection of stickers brightly colored and full of energy, a flexing daisy that reads "protect climate action," a bobbing pencil that reads "protect public education," a waving flag that reads "protect voting rights," an oscillating marquee that reads "protect workers rights," a twirling dodecagram that reads "protect abortion rights," an oscillating rainbow that reads "protect LGBTQ rights," and front and center, a flashing neon sign that reads "Vote Warnock."Voting Make A Plan Sticker by Creative CourageVote Early Greek Life Sticker by Creative Courage
Digital art gif. Round red, white, and blue button featuring the shape of Georgia spins over a transparent background. Text, “I’m a Georgia voter.”
Joe Biden Atlanta Sticker by Creative CourageVote Voting Sticker by OK Motion ClubVote Stem Sticker by Minka ComicsDigital art gif. Peach-colored graphic of the anthropomorphic state of Georgia holding a spring green picket sign that reads "Thank you Georgia voters!"Senate Race Vote Sticker by INTO ACTIONSenate Race Sun Sticker by Creative Courage
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