Sticker gif. Pair of white-gloved hands with pointed index fingers draw a big pink heart over a transparent background.Sticker gif. Red 3D heart spins slowly around a vertical axis, and smaller pink and red hearts bubble up and dissipate.Dance Love StickerSticker gif. White bear lays on top of a big, bouncing pink heart. Two smaller hearts appear next to it, bouncing alternatively.I Love You Hearts Sticker by GIPHY CAMLove You All Winter Storm Sticker
Sticker gif. Several pink hearts grow and shrink in a never-ending upward spiral against a transparent background.Sticker gif. Yellow 3D chick wearing a big pink bow atop her head, dramatically blows a kiss, which becomes a glossy 3D heart.Valentines Day Love Sticker by erma fiendHappy Is This Love Sticker by EarnInValentines Day Love Sticker by byflorecerI Love You Hearts Sticker by Emoji
Sticker gif. Pink and purple illustrated hearts float up like bubbles, then pop and dissolve into little swirls.Sticker gif. Pixelated red hearts of varying sizes continuously float up through the frame.In Love Awww StickerSticker gif. Illustrated red heart blooms up, with three more smaller hearts above it, and then each one pops and disappears.喜歡 I Love You StickerValentines Day Love Sticker by Ai and AikoI Love You Valentines Sticker by Unpopular Cartoonist
Sticker gif. Big red 3D heart expands and contracts happily like a heartbeat.Sticker gif. Gradient of many orange, pink, and purple-outlined hearts bubble up like soda fizz.Sticker gif. White cartoon cat with rosy cheeks uses both paws to blow many kisses that turn into pink hearts speeding through the air.Sticker gif. Groundhog holding a big magenta heart with the text, 'Love It!' written inside. The heart alternates between beating bigger and smaller and the text changes in size too.i love you hearts Sticker by Dr. Donna Thomas RodgersValentines Day Love Sticker by Emoji
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