national coffee day292 GIFs


Life's Too Short For Bad Coffee
National Coffee Day
Coffee Makes Me Poop
Video gif. A woman holds a pot of coffee and pops opens the lid while staring into it. She lifts it to her mouth and chugs directly from the pot.Cartoon gif. A still of the original Snow White is edited together with an animation of a flowing river of coffee coming out of a coffee machine. Her mouth is open wide, guzzling the caffeine goodness.Illustrated gif. A personified mug and to-go coffee cup fist-bump each other with wide smiles. Text, "Coffee time."Coffee Day GIF by Katie LukesCartoon gif. Garfield the cat sits at the dinner table with half lidded eyes. He grabs a cup, opens his mouth wide, and dumps all the coffee from the cup inside to wake himself up. Kawaii gif. A smiling mug of coffee slides in on a light yellow background. A smiling metal pitcher of milk floats above the mug and adds milk to the coffee. The milk forms a white heart shape in the coffee and everything flies away.Illustrated gif. A Sloth with big blue glasses and a pink hair bow sips from a coffee mug, then looks up with bug eyes and a radiating grin. Text, "How I tolerate life."Cartoon gif. A cute drawing of a little orange and white cat sips a cup of tea with its eyes closed--it's probably purring.Cartoon gif. Shapes come together to form a blue cup of steaming black coffee on a saucer. The coffee drains out, then refills and drains out twice more, then the shapes separate. Brown text above the image falls into place, then falls off the screen: Text "Coffee."TV gif. A scene from the Futurama episode "Three Hundred Big Boys". Dressed in a tuxedo, a twitching, jittery Fry pours and drinks his 99th cup of coffee.Movie gif. Rodney Dangerfield as Thornton Melon in Back To School takes a sip out of a coffee mug. He gulps down the drink and then opens his eyes wide, like they’re bulging out of his head, and his head starts spinning like he’s about to faint.Digital art gif. A personified bright yellow mug full of coffee smiles as the steam from its top rises up to spell "coffee."Text gif. A coffee cup with a smiling face made out of pixels steams. Flashing text reads, “Insert coffee to continue.”Illustrated gif. A woman tilts her head back with her mouth gaping open as she sits at a desk repeatedly pouring full pots of coffee down her throat. Bride Of Frankenstein Film GIF by hoppipThe Office gif. Rainn Wilson as Dwight sits at his desk holding a cup of coffee with his bear feet. He tries to pull it closer to himself to take a drink but it tilts as it comes closer and spills out all over his crotch. He freaks out, sticking out his tongue as it does.Photo gif. Coffee pours into the open mug-shaped head of a bearded man whose mouth gapes open in a surprised smile.TV gif. Gabriel Macht and Sarah Rafferty as Harvey and Donna in the show Suits walking through an office. Text, "Why can't it just be a 'I'm a great boyfriend' coffee?"Illustration gif. A skeleton drinks a cup of coffee and it splashes all over its ribcage and bones as it goes down, having nothing to encase it in.Video gif. A man dressed to work in an office closes his front door behind him. He sips on coffee and when he closes the door, he then pours the cup of coffee all over his chest and face. He shakes his head like he’s refreshed and rushes off. Seinfeld gif. Jerry Seinfeld sits in a diner sipping his coffee and raises his eyebrows as if in feigned interest.Big Bang Theory gif. Mayim Bialik as Amy is sprawled out on a couch, head slumped and arms askew. She hears something that excites her and she leaps up, saying, "We're gonna need more coffee."  Video gif. Steaming white cup of coffee rests near an open book on a wooden table. Dim morning sunlight shines through a slatted fence in the distance, illuminating the steam from the cup as it rises. Video gif. Man stands in a shower in a white robe. He holds up a huge mug of coffee, larger than his head, and at first makes it seem like he’s going to drink from it, but instead he pours his right over his head.Digital art gif. A white coffee cup jumps up and down on skinny white legs as sunlight beams shine out from behind it. Bright text reads, "Good morning."
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