oh really1,163 GIFs


Gene Wilder Reaction Clip
Oh Really?
Oh Really?
Celebrity gif. Gary Payton spins his head around with wide eyes as if in shock.Meme gif. The "blinking white guy" meme: a closeup of a man blinking with downplayed surprise.Movie gif. Samuel L Jackson as John Shaft in the movie Shaft looks taken aback, stunned into silence.Movie gif. Wearing a suit and tie, a younger Nicholas Cage tries to appear interested in someone offscreen, but gives them a way-too-intense stare. Text: "You don't say?"Celebrity gif. Rihanna rests her head on her hand with her finger on her temple. She looks at something with an agape mouth as if impressed or shocked at what she’s witnessing. You Dont Say Angelina Jolie GIFWilly Wonka Reaction GIFVideo gif. An interested baby with a surprised look brings their hand to their chin. Text, “O RLY?”TV gif. Hisham Tawfiq as Dembe on The Blacklist has a serious, angry expression his face that changes to sudden shock Season 22 Seriously GIF by Law & Ordersudden realization oh i see GIFSarcastic Charlie Day GIF by First We FeastYou Dont Say Stand Up GIFThe Office gif. Oscar Nuñez as Oscar Martinez cocks his head to the side with a blank facial expression. Text, "Really?"TV gif. Will Smith on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air sits very still on the couch with his legs cross, and his hands together on his knee. He is dressed like Carlton, in preppy clothes and has round glasses on.Gina Rodriguez Reaction GIFMovie gif. Wearing a patterned blazer, Bill Murray listens to someone offscreen. He turns to us with an unimpressed look that seems to say "can you believe this?"Aretha Franklin Reaction GIFCelebrity gif. Kate McKinnon winces an exaggerated frown as her head lowers in a cringe. Movie gif. A shirtless Will Forte as MacGruber holds a phone up to his ear, looking flustered and says, “Uh yeah! I thought it was!”Text Reaction GIF by MOODMANOh Yeah Denyse Mitterhofer GIF by Denyse®Is That So Bill Clinton GIFAnimated GIFSurprised Season 9 GIF by One Chicago
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