Monday Motivation

Me being productive today


Cloie Wyatt Taylor


Cloie Wyatt Taylor

Would you like a flyer?

I need coffee

Cloie Wyatt Taylor

I need coffee

Cloie Wyatt Taylor

Can I go home now?

How to Be a Successful Adult

I don't want to be here

Bitch Listen

Holly Logan

There is so much more work to do.

The Democrats

Spread So Thin

The Roku Channel

Tim to Start the Day

It's Been A Long Day

Black Voters Matter Fund

We're All Trying To Accomplish The Same Thing

Rock Climbing Deodorant

Is This Supposed To Be The Ideal Female Body?

That's Dumb

"Fights" Is Strong And Masculine

I Don't Think It's A Huge Deal

Seven Days a Week

This Is The Same Thing

I'm Sensitive

What Were These People Thinking?