roll eyes725 GIFs


Rex Eye roll
Girl. Please
Infinite Eye Roll
Eye Roll Into My Brain
Reality TV gif. A woman on Married at First Sight lifts her wine glass high to take a sip. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head, super annoyed. Sports gif. NBA Player James Harden is being interviewed after a game. The interviewer holds a mic to his face and obviously offends him. Harden then rolls his eyes intensely at the person, and swiftly whips his body away like he’s being pulled away to leave the conversation. Celebrity gif. Dwayne Johnson as The Rock rolls his eyes with an exaggerated sigh before raising his eyebrows with a smile.Ashley Olsen Eye Roll GIF by Filmeditor Schitt's Creek gif. Dan Levy as David wearing a complicated black-and-white sweater speaks to us with a disdainful eye roll. Text, "'K."Movie gif. Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark in Iron Man has his arms crossed and he rolls his eyes dramatically. Girl Eye Roll GIFSports gif. Though the fans behind him seem amused, Stephen A. Smith is not. He rolls his eyes and turns his head away from the person he was talking to.Video gif. A little girl with her hair in pigtails rolls her eyes and flops her hand over as if to say, "Yeah, right," or "as if!"Video gif. An annoyed woman rolls her eyes and slowly looks away.Movie gif. Wearing a red flannel shirt, Ryan Reynolds rolls his eyes and tilts his head back as if to say "come on, really?"Harry Potter Eye Roll GIFCelebrity gif. Close up on Actress Zendaya’s face. She’s in the corner of her eye with a look of disgust, then rolls her eyes.Rolling Eyes Eye Roll GIFGirl Reaction GIFMovie gif. Ryan Reynolds as Chris in Just Friends looks exasperated as he throws his head back and rolls his eyes. Video gif. Woman sits on a couch, holding a newspaper in her hands. She rolls her eyes at someone and holds the newspaper up to hide from whoever she’s annoyed with.Celebrity gif. Tiffany Pollard tilts her head at the person sitting next to her and then rolls her eyes very loudly.Sports gif. Kobe Bryant is watching a Lakers and Heat game and is very disappointed in what he's seeing. He shakes his head, rolls his eyes, and puts his head in his hand while rubbing lightly.Reality TV gif. Phaedra Parks on Real Housewives of Atlanta holds a fork with a bite of food on it. While she takes a bite of her food, she rolls her eyes. TV gif. Tina Fey as Liz Lemon in 30 Rock. She rolls her eyes heavily while talking. Video gif. A sweaty Demarcus Cousins wears his LA Clippers jersey and a sweatband as his rolls his eyes, then closes them and shakes his head. Animated GIFCelebrity gif. A young Marlon Brando rolls his eyes and then smirks knowingly.Celebrity gif. Anderson Cooper rolls his eyes dramatically, then blinks in annoyance.
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