Animated GIFAnimated GIFAnimated GIFAnimated GIFAnimated GIFAnimated GIFAnimated GIFAnimated GIFSassy Alexandra Shipp GIF by SHAFTisaac hayes oscar GIF by The Official Giphy page of Isaac HayesAnimated GIFAnimated GIFRichard Roundtree Movie GIFi can dig it classic film GIF by Turner Classic Moviesthe x files shaft GIFVideo gif. We see Isaac Hayes close up as he sings into a microphone. We pull back to see him playing the piano, wearing an enormous gold chain and no shirt as lights twinkle behind him. Going Up Infinity Ward GIF by XboxAriana Grande Friendship GIF by WickedMovie gif. A scene from Friday. In front of an orange house, Ice Cube as Craig Jones and Chris Tucker as Smokey lean out of their seats in surprise, then look at each theater GIFFlying On My Way GIF by Wickedscary movie phone GIFHappy Illumination Entertainment GIF by Sing Moviemovie theater cinema GIFJack Nicholson Johnny GIF
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