City Sustainability GIF by UN Development ProgrammeMother Earth Love GIF by jon hanlanDigital art gif. In the form of a sticker slapping onto a pale yellow background, an illustration of a forest in front of yellow and orange mountains with the text, "Save trees, save ourselves" on it.goals sustainable climate change goalkeeper development GIFGermanredcross future goals sustainable engagement GIFDigital art gif. Pink and green oval shape, inside of which are bubble letters that read "Say no to plastic" above an illustration of a circle with a slash through it over rotating cartoons of plastic silverware, a plastic water bottle, and a plastic bag, everything against a light blue background.
Climate Change Environment GIF by NRDCEnergy Environment GIF by Mighty Oakgoals sustainable climate change goalkeeper development GIFIllustrated gif. A soda can, water bottle, and egg carton walk single file as the soda can waves a banner that reads, β€œRecycle us!”Digital art gif. Cartoon of a single-use plastic bag, text inside of which reads "Say no to plastic bags," everything against a light green background.World Love GIF by followfood
sustainable animation GIF by kijek/adamskiDigital art gif. Art inside an illustration of a round sticker shows a lone pine tree below orange bubble text that reads, "Plant a tree," all against a light lavender background.Digital art gif. Cartoon of a green "recycle" sign rotates its arrows around and around. Each time the arrows move, a new work appears in green font: "Reduce, reuse, recycle," all against a cream background.Vintage Agite GIFSustainability Reduce GIF by 96DaisiesDigital art gif. Cartoon of a green single-use plastic bag rocking back and forth. On the bag is a green recycling symbol, along with the words, "Just f'in recycle," everything against a bright yellow background.
Digital art gif. Blue circle, inside of which is an illustration of a bouncing blue cartoon water droplet with a smiling face, surrounded by clouds, flowers, and leaves. Text around the outside of the circle reads, "Clean water is a right," all against a bright yellow background.Digital art gif. Text that reads, "Happy Arbor Day" rotates around the outside of a green circle inside of which is a cartoon of several orange, green and yellow trees in a forest," everything against a yellow background.Climate Change Goals GIFIllustrated gif. A blue water bottle with a white label that reads "Say no to single use." Surrounding the bottle "Nos" appears one by one on either side on loop. Happy Fun GIF by Chopt Creative Salad Co.Digital art gif. Cartoon illustrations of a jam jar, a reusable bag, metal straws, a wooden toothbrush, a mason jar, a reusable sandwich bag, another reusable bag, and a spray bottle are gathered in a circle around text that reads, "zero waste," against a green background.Text gif. Illustrated silverware, cups, bottles, and straws sway between hand-drawn text that reads, "Say no to single use plastic."
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