
FINDEFIX - Das Haustierregister des Deutschen Tierschutzbundes

FINDEFIX is the pet register of the largest German Animal Welfare Federation. In Germany, thousands of animals are lost every year and cannot be reunited with their owners. Owners, who have had their pets marked by microchip, ear tattoo or ring (birds) and registered at FINDEFIX, the Federation’s pet register, stand a good chance of having their pets returned. If your lost pet is found, it can be clearly identified and you will soon be able to take it home again. We have been helping people to find their lost pets since 1981, making this the oldest service of its kind in Germany. The offer of FINDEFIX is a free service provided by the German Animal Welfare Federation for all pet owners. We offer a nationwide search for missing animals in close cooperation with more than 740 animal welfare associations and over 550 animal shelters affiliated to the German Animal Welfare Federation. Animals are protected even on holiday, as FINDEFIX exchanges information with other registration services worldwide. The German Animal Welfare Federation was founded in 1881 as the umbrella organisation for animal welfare associations and animal shelters in Germany. Today, its affiliates include 16 regional associations and more than 740 local animal welfare associations with over 550 animal shelters /rescue stations and in excess of 800,000 members from all over Germany. This makes the German Animal Welfare Federation Europe’s largest umbrella organisation for animal and nature protection.
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