
IG Metall

We bring together over 2.2 million employees from the areas of metals and electricals, iron and steel, textiles and clothing, wood and plastics, crafts and services and information and communication technology. Together with the employees we campaign for good working conditions, fair remuneration, job prospects, secure jobs, employee participation and democracy in the workplace. That’s because work is a key element of our lives. When defining good work we rely on competence and experience, we get involved and we bring about changes in the workplace and in society. With its works council members, shop stewards and active members, IG Metall has won continuously higher incomes, shorter working hours and longer holidays. We also set standards in cross-industry developments. Whether against the misuse of temporary employment and service contracts or for the right to be taken on after completing an apprenticeship and the opportunity to retire gradually and flexibly, we provide answers, we hold employers and politicians to their promises and campaign consistently for our demands. Our values are justice, dignity and respect; we are guided by the principles of employee participation and solidarity.
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