

I’m not here to show you a picture-perfect life. Life is messy, and I like it that way. Mess must be embraced. It’s the only way I was able to build my business, grow my family, become a homeowner, and take the chance to start this community. You deserve to see the missteps behind every single victory. It’s my hope that my unfiltered story will leave you feeling inspired to find your version of better, go after your goals and get them. We’re family now. Whether you pop into my DMs, shoot an e-mail, or drop a comment, know that I’m listening carefully and value your voice. So find the best belt in your closet and buckle up. Things are about to get busy. Together, we will nail affordable style, figure out your finances, tackle ambitious home projects, navigate motherhood, and explore new destinations. Staycations count. This tiny blog has grown into a bustling community, but feels closer than ever. I’m incredibly grateful you’re here.
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