In ancient century, humans built up Enochian Tower, attempting to reach Gods. However, Devils in Hell tried to exploit the Tower to invade Heaven. A bloody war between Gods, Devils and Humans (Three Worlds) broke out, triggering Gods' anger. Gods desperately broke the Top of the Tower and sealed Devils in it. As times goes by, conflict among Three Worlds continues to disturb the world peace. The last hope lies on the Summoners who can unleash the Seals and wipe out all the Devils!
*Addictive and fun RPG game with match 3 Runestones challenges*
By dissolving Runestones, attacks will be fired off towards the enemies. Attaining a higher number of Combos will power up the attack
*Legends come together to overturn the end of the world
Fight with mythical characters from Greece, Egypt, China to go through the experience of a legendary Summoner!
*Experience the brand new RPG style
Level up and Evolve Monsters to form the strongest Team to fight with you.
*Logging in everyday will reward you with Diamonds to summon Rare Monsters!
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