
Stichting Melanoom

Stichting Melanoom is the Dutch melanoma patient foundation. Melanoma is the most deadliest form of skin cancer and in the top-3 of cancer types among youngsters. Every day (every 10 minutes) people are dying from this nasty unpredictable killer. Our mission is to help turn that tide. How? Early detection is key. Melanoma is the only type of cancer that you can discover by yourself at an early stage. Because it usually starts on the outside of your body. But if you discover a suspicious looking spot on time, it might just save your life. Did you know that almost all skin cancers are caused by too much UV radiation from the sun or other sources such as solaria (solariums, sunbeds, and sun lamps)? That's why we aim to raise more awareness. With information on our website and socials and our campaigns as Sun Safe You, Check Your Selfie, Discover Your Spot, Check, check, check your body and Sun Safe in the Snow. Wanna join our mission? Cool! Use our GIFs & GIF stickers, tag us with @discover_your_spot on Instagram and use our hashtags #discoveryourspot #sunsafeyou #checkyourselfie And don't forget to tag your friends ;)
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