Vert Green Jardins Verticais has been operating in the market since 2010, led by landscape designers Ricardo Lima and Roberto Lima, who have been working in the landscaping market in Goiás - Brazil for almost two decades, starting to dedicate themselves exclusively to the creation of the entire system and to improvement of its vertical garden execution techniques.
Because it is a unique product and with an exclusive system, Vert Green® allows the implantation of any natural surface on a vertical surface, totally independent, with the best finish, greater durability, creating green walls with the most varied shapes, textures, sizes and 100% waterproof. They are true works of art, unique and original!
The cities verticalized and so did the garden. All contemporary projects adopt the vertical garden to humanize environments, which are increasingly impermeable. We become "urban beings" and instinctively seek to connect with nature. “Much more than a trend, it is a necessity”!
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