My persona of @5ftinf happened accidentally when a friend suggested I start a blog in 2007. I was always going to change the name but when I used it in February 2011, during the very early months of Instagram, it basically just became who I was, having inadvertently stumbled into my digital home.
A large part of my work involves creating visual projects and social content for brands, and organizations which are as diverse as The Crown Estate, TUI, Green and Blacks and The History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group. My paintings often utilise my synaesthesia and during my time as Artist in Residence at Shakespeare’s Globe I created sound portraits of all the actor’s voices. I have also worked with perfumers, wines, whiskies, gins and coffees to produce paintings of scent and taste and I have painted the sound of a pianist playing Mussorgsky’s ‘Pictures At An Exhibition’ live, at the Cheltenham Science Festival. My book ‘Conscious Creativity’ which encourages creative process and practice was published in November 2018 and it’s companion ‘Conscious Creativity – A Workbook’ will be published in September 2020.
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