
A Netflix Original preschool series. The show follows our intelligent and fearless heroine, 8-year-old True, and her hilarious best friend Bartleby the cat, as they come to the rescue of Rainbow City’s whimsical citizens. True is the only one that can unleash the power of the Magical Wishes from the Wishing Tree in order to set things right and keep all the residents in the Kingdom safe.




Happy Clapping GIF by True and the Rainbow KingdomTrick Or Treat Halloween GIF by True and the Rainbow KingdomSpin Thanksgiving GIF by True and the Rainbow KingdomTeamwork Yetis GIF by True and the Rainbow KingdomCartoon gif. Three yetis from True and the Rainbow Kingdom simultaneously applauding and smiling.Watch Me Netflix GIF by True and the Rainbow KingdomCelebrate Happy New Year GIF by True and the Rainbow KingdomIts Friday Yes GIF by True and the Rainbow KingdomNot Funny Lol GIF by True and the Rainbow KingdomCartoon gif. Bartleby the Cat from True and the Rainbow Kingdom. They put their paws together and look very excited as they say, "Oh goody!"
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