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Aristotle Onassis would conquer whatever he desired… After conquering and adoring Tina Livanou, Maria Callas and Jackie Onassis, he know conquers Lola! With coffee, high quality meals plus special cocktails, Aristotle Piraeus is the new all-day meeting point at the city of Piraeus. In a spot previously occupied by Lola’s (2nd Merarchias 14 st.), a cozy place of positive vibes and high aesthetics is offering moments of pleasure and fun throughout the day: From the early morning coffee stimulating the senses, to a kitchen of high demands at noon (with a “today’s special” changing every week), to late-night special drinks from an updated cellar. Do not dwell on the past: Τhe decoration and aristocratic style of Aristotle Piraeus (inspired by Aristotle Onassis) bring Belle Époque to the city of Piraeus!

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