Pres. Biden visited Israel on Wed. to show support for Israeli leaders and secure humanitarian commitments for Gaza.

Biden arrived in Tel Aviv Wed. morning. PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Pres. Isaac Herzog greeted Biden on the tarmac. (CNN)

Biden met with several Israeli leaders on Wed., promising them further aid in their campaign against Hamas in Gaza.

Biden's visit Wed. was historic: per CNN, Biden is the first American president to visit Israel during a time of war.

According to the AP, Biden also secured a commitment from Israel to allow humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

Biden on Wed. announced $100M+ in new humanitarian aid for those living in both Gaza and the West Bank. (ABC News)

1.4K+ Israelis have been confirmed dead from Hamas's attack, as of Wed.; 3K+ have been killed in the Gaza Strip. (CNN)

Biden, in remarks from Tel Aviv Wed.: "I come to Israel with a simple message: You are not alone."

Biden: "After 9/11, we were enraged in the United States. While we sought justice and got justice, we also made mistakes."

Biden: "While you feel that rage, don’t be consumed by it."

Biden: "I understand...You can’t look at what has happened here ... and not scream out for justice."

Biden: "We’ll continue to work with you and partners across the region to prevent more tragedy to innocent civilians."