Grant Cardone is a New York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, and Miami-based Scientologist. Cardone Capital, Cardone Enterprises, Cardone Training Technologies, and Cardone University are all privately held enterprises where he is the CEO! A financial literacy mentorship program for poor adolescents is run by the Grant Cardone Foundation. I mean, he's a big charity man that helps a lot of kids. While he attributes many of his good deeds to his Scientology membership, I believe Cardone is naturally compassionate (IMHO). Forbes recently named Grant Cardon one of the world's top social media business influencers! Some publications call him the world's top crowdfunder (raising over $600 million in equity via social media, it's hard to argue differently). His influence on sales and marketing is self-evident, but I'll provide some proof. Cardone founded the hugely popular 10X Movement and hosts the annual 10X Growth Conference, which is billed as the largest entrepreneur conference ever. The last one drew almost 34,000 people from all over!