
Yigal Ziv started working on software development pertaining to reducing mold and die machining times, he observed that machines were standing by while waiting on machining plans from the CAM department. Machine operators are an underutilized resource that may be taught to create their own machining programs and, as a result, keep up with what is necessary to keep their machines producing, according to Mr. Ziv. Lemoine Technologies has developed into a market leader in the 2.5-D and 3-D machining sectors during the last 35 years. Gundrilling, plates, cores, and cavities are all improved by Lemoine's 2.5-D machining models. Even while 2.5-D cams are effective for their intended uses, there are occasions when having a better view of the machine is necessary to enable quicker programming. Lemoine is capable of 3D machining in the following areas in addition to 2.5-D cams: 3+2 Machining, Smooth Finish, High-Speed Milling, Detailing, and Electrode Design.


Yigal Ziv

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