"What the hell!"

Who the hell can't beat Biden?

Bipartisan national security bill

"Pres. Biden has done an incredible job."

History Is Watching

"We're exporting American products."

"You don't like that bill, huh?"

"You're way too young to be president."

"Journalism is clearly not a crime."

"It's just like riding a bike."

"To all my friends in the press..."
!["Who [...] says I'm not a real job creator?"](https://media0.giphy.com/media/z4uDIHGAcPkffmt2ep/200.gif?cid=790b7611rgibmj6o9pyzalvthsw1scpequufmj2lm9kuwno6&ep=v1_videos_search&rid=200.gif&ct=v)
"Who [...] says I'm not a real job creator?"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Sleepy Don."

"You're the funny one in the family."

"Donald has had a few tough days lately."

"I may use that again."

Biden on the importance of journalism

"My VP actually endorses me."

"To a free press."

"...my definition of patriotism and heroism."

We'll Win Again In 2024

I've Been Around A While

President For All Americans

I'll Be Darned That's Amazing